Division of Strategy and Policy
The Division of Strategy and Policy enhances and furthers the UNC System’s strategic goals. To this end, Strategy and Policy has developed a robust performance measurement system to track progress toward System goals and proactively identifies new initiatives that will help advance those goals.
OUr initiatives

Higher Expectations: The Strategic Plan for the UNC System
The UNC System, with its 17 institutions, is a cornerstone of our state’s success, ensuring access to affordable, world-class higher education for all qualified North Carolinians. No public university system in the country promotes access, success, and excellence as effectively as the UNC System. The goals and metrics outlined in the Strategic Plan reflect the long-term vision and priorities of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors.
Student Success Innovation Lab
UNC System Equity Fellows Program
The North Carolina Student Aid Study Group, a joint effort of the University of North Carolina and the North Carolina Community College Systems
Literacy Framework Development Initiative
The 2018 Survey of UNC System Alumni
Mental Health First Aid Initiative
2019-20 Report on Free Speech and Free Expression Within the University