Higher Expectations

The University of North Carolina System, with its 17 institutions, is a cornerstone of our state’s success, ensuring access to affordable, world-class higher education for all qualified North Carolinians. No public university system in the country promotes access, success, and excellence as effectively as the UNC System.

The UNC System’s 2022-2027 Strategic Plan aims to build on this strong foundation by setting measurable goals under five broad categories:

  • Access 
  • Student success 
  • Affordability and efficiency 
  • Economic impact and community engagement 
  • Excellent and diverse institutions

The goals and metrics outlined in the Strategic Plan reflect the long-term vision and priorities of the UNC Board of Governors and align with how we measure the institutions’ performance on key priorities.

These goals also reflect input from a range of constituencies across the university, including faculty, staff, students, and other leaders. We need to improve access to our institutions and ensure students make it to the finish line. We need to increase the contribution of UNC institutions in solving the challenges facing communities throughout the state. So the themes are the same in this plan as our previous five-year plan, but we have developed new goals to reflect our changing environment.

Each goal includes a target goal and a stretch goal. While our target goals are ambitious, we believe that if we work together, we can reach or exceed our stretch goals. Progress toward the goals will be reported on an annual basis with updates every spring.

The refreshed plan builds on the work of the UNC System’s 2017-2022 Strategic Plan. It called for the System to enroll and graduate more low-income students, raise five-year graduation rates, and graduate more students from programs that are aligned with critical workforce needs. The System set ambitious targets and regularly reported institutional progress. Since 2017, UNC System institutions surpassed the Strategic Plan’s economic impact and student success goals while highlighting the need for continued progress in other areas.

We must do more. The world has changed dramatically over the past five years, and our universities must change with it. After seeing decades of national and state growth in the overall number of high school graduates, changing demographics foreshadow a lasting slowdown in college enrollment. Simply put, the pool of traditional college students in North Carolina is getting smaller, and that has major implications for our universities. Meanwhile, concerns about student debt and uncertain job prospects have led increasing numbers of prospective students to question the value of higher education. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated these trends while also showing what is possible when universities think creatively about their mission and model.

The refreshed plan, Higher Expectations, University of North Carolina Strategic Plan for 2022-2027, addresses these changing circumstances but stays true to the core mission of the UNC System.


All North Carolinians prepared for rigorous learning should be able to pursue a university education. Broader access encourages our state residents to pursue higher education, improves pathways for transfer and nontraditional students, and provides academic, financial, and cultural support for students from all walks of life.

Increase Adult Learner Enrollment

Increase Military Enrollment

Increase Enrollment of Students from Underserved Counties


Student success is a combination of positive intellectual, personal, and social development facilitated by a high-quality university education. It includes the development of competencies such as critical and creative thinking, lifelong learning, technology proficiency, resilience, effective communication, flexibility, and collaboration, among others. It also pertains to the timely acquisition of a degree.

Increase 4-Year Graduation Rate

Increase Undergraduate Degree Efficiency

Increase Graduation Rate for Pell Recipients and Students of Color

Increase Master’s Degree Efficiency

Increase Doctoral Degree Efficiency

Improve Student Mental Health


Article IX, Section 9 of the North Carolina State Constitution requires that “The General Assembly shall provide that the benefits of The University of North Carolina and other public institutions of higher education, as far as practicable, be extended to the people of the State free of expense.” 

That constitutional mandate encourages a working compact among the state’s elected officials, taxpayers, and UNC to deliver the University’s multifaceted mission at the highest levels of quality in a cost-effective manner without regard to a student’s ability to pay. 

Decrease Average Cumulative Federal Loan Debt at Graduation for First-Time Students

Decrease Average Cumulative Federal Loan Debt at Graduation for Transfer Students

Decrease Education and Related Expenses per Degree


Universities have sustained impact on state and regional economies through the students they attract and teach, the research they perform, the innovation they encourage, the people they employ, the services they offer, and the partnerships they build. The System can enhance economic impact and community engagement by preparing graduates to be well-rounded citizens and lifelong learners, improving quality of life; investing in foundational research; speeding the discovery, application, and translation of research; and deepening sustained partnerships that strengthen local communities and the state’s economy.

Increase Health Sciences and STEM Degrees and Certificates

Increase Graduates Who Go On to Work in Public Schools in North Carolina

Increase Research Productivity

Increase Military Partnerships


The University’s constituent institutions are individually distinct and mission- focused and collectively comprise an inclusive and vibrant System that is committed to excellence and the development of a diverse community of students, faculty, and staff. 

Improve the Employee Experience

Improve Faculty and Staff Retention