System Office HOTLINE

For the UNC System Office, PBS North Carolina, and NC State Education Assistance Authority: If you suspect or know of fraud, waste, abuse or misuse of resources; violation of laws, regulations or policy; ineffective operations; or any activities that may be detrimental to the organization, please contact the System Office internal audit unit. There are three confidential ways to report suspicious activities:

  1. Contact or the chief audit officer via email or phone (919) 962-4610.
  2. File a report online.
  3. Via the NC Office of the State Auditor hotline.

Note: Employees who, in good faith, report unethical activity are protected by the North Carolina whistleblower protection act against any retaliation for making a report. NCGS 126-84 encourages employees to report evidence of activities that include but are not limited to a violation of law; fraud; gross misuse or mismanagement of monies; or abuse of authority. UNC System Office finance policies and procedures provide further guidance on reporting and investigating the misuses of state property, including what employees are required to report and the steps that should be taken. 

When sharing concerns or suspected unethical activity with internal audit, please provide as much detail as possible about who, what, when, where, how, and how much/how often. You do not have to provide your name or contact information. However, providing this information is extremely helpful, as it will allow us to contact you should we have further questions or need additional details. Provided information will be treated as confidential and privileged to the extent permitted by law.

If you need to report a System-wide concern, visit the University Hotline.