The UNC System Offices oversees several programs and activities dedicated to faculty employment policies, professional development, faculty evaluation, and faculty benefits. It also serves as the liaison for the UNC Faculty Assembly.
Faculty Policy Training Modules
Distinguished Professors Endowment Trust Fund
This fund matches private contributions with state appropriations to create endowments for distinguished professorships at all 17 UNC System institutions. Section 600.2.3 and 600.2.3[R] of the UNC Policy Manual provide additional information regarding the provisions of the Distinguished Professors Endowment Trust Fund.
Please use the buttons below to download the instructions and forms to submit a new plan or change an existing plan.
To submit a new plan:
To change an existing plan:
Summary of STEM Distinguished Professorships
Faculty Assembly
Established in 1972 by UNC System President William Friday, the UNC Faculty Assembly is an advisory body on systemwide issues, serving the President, the UNC System Office, the Board of Governors, the North Carolina General Assembly, and UNC institutional faculty and administrative bodies.
In addition to formulating advice and counsel on issues impacting the UNC System, Faculty Assembly members frequently serve on working groups, policy committees, and personnel committees in partnership with the UNC System Office. The Faculty Assembly also nominates members of the general faculty to support UNC System initiatives.
Wade Maki, UNC Greensboro
Academic Affairs Faculty Fellowship Program
The Academic Affairs Faculty Fellowship Program engages interested faculty in academic affairs issues and mentored learning opportunities to promote the effectiveness of the UNC System Office and the UNC System’s constituent institutions. This fellowship offers a unique opportunity for faculty to gain experience in the complex landscape of public higher education, understand the context for System-level decision making, and contribute to Systemwide initiatives while working on special research projects that support the System’s strategic priorities.
Faculty interested in the UNC System Faculty Fellowship Program should contact their respective Chief Academic Officers.