Serving Those Who Serve

New Database Will Standardize College Credit for Military Experience Shaheed Soligne served as a signals intelligence analyst for the Army National Guard. When he was in the service, he was utterly dedicated to his work. Now that he is a veteran, he is pursuing a professional ambition that inspires even more passion: he’s about to …

College Free Application Week 2019 Helps Students Navigate the Busy Season High school students in all 100 counties have built dreams around future careers and intellectual ambitions. The North Carolina Countdown to College runs throughout October, motivating high school seniors to turn those dreams into action. The North Carolina Countdown to College is a month-long push to encourage graduating …

UNC System Launches Statewide Affordable Education Campaign

CHAPEL HILL, NC – In the coming weeks, North Carolina residents will hear a lot more about the low cost of a college education in the state. On October 1, 2019, the UNC System launches a statewide, multimedia campaign to promote North Carolina’s public higher education affordability.  The campaign will specifically target disadvantaged communities in the state, …

Portraits of Opportunity

Three Students Discuss the Impact of NC Promise As NC Countdown to College begins next week, students across the state are busy contemplating their options. Staff with the College Foundation of North Carolina are gearing up to help students complete residency forms, FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) forms, and college applications during free …

Credit Where Credit is Due

As of July 2019, the new System-wide Advanced Placement (AP) credit policy has come into effect. With this new policy now firmly in place, a score of “three” or higher has become the across-the-board standard for credit throughout the UNC System, except in cases when a course has been granted an exception by an institution’s board of trustees.

Dr. Andrew Kelly

A Conversation With the UNC System’s Senior Vice President for Strategy and Policy What work does the Strategy and Policy division tackle at the UNC System Office? The simple answer to that question is that we are responsible for all things Strategic Plan related. When I started in 2016, the first order of business was …

Pitching New Ideas

Conference Highlights How Student Success is a Team Effort Last year, East Carolina University invited Isaiah Ybarra to throw out the first pitch for the Pirates’ “Salute to Service” baseball series. After having served ten years as a fixed wing crew chief in the United States Marines, Ybarra had returned home to major in history …

Closing the Gap

“The Student Success Conference features presentations on course design, advising, new technologies, and different ways to intervene from a financial perspective … all of the things that can help our students stay on track toward graduation,” said UNC System Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Kimberly van Noort.

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