Councils and Working Groups
Much of the UNC System’s business is accomplished by councils composed of representatives of institutions or other constituencies. Those groups include:
Faculty Assembly
Established in 1972 by UNC System President William Friday, the UNC Faculty Assembly is an advisory body on systemwide issues, serving the President, the UNC System Office, the Board of Governors, the North Carolina General Assembly, and UNC institutional faculty and administrative bodies.
In addition to formulating advice and counsel on issues impacting the UNC System, Faculty Assembly members frequently serve on working groups, policy committees, and personnel committees in partnership with the UNC System Office. The Faculty Assembly also nominates members of the general faculty to support UNC System initiatives.
Wade Maki, UNC Greensboro
Staff Assembly
Established in 2006 under System President Erskine Bowles, the UNC System Staff Assembly is an advisory body of SHRA and EHRA Non Faculty Employees who represent the staff of the UNC System’s 17 constituent institutions.
The Staff Assembly serves in parallel function with the University Faculty Assembly and the Association of Student Governments to address the concerns and interests of individual institutions and the System.
Shayna Hill, UNC-Chapel Hill
Association of Student Governments
Established in 1971, the University of North Carolina Association of Student Governments, also known as “UNC ASG” is a student-led organization committed to advocacy work on behalf of all students within the UNC System. With delegates selected from each of the 17 UNC System institutions, UNC ASG addresses issues like access and affordability, campus safety, and student voter participation. Additionally, the UNC ASG President represents the student voice on the UNC Board of Governors.
Economic Transformation Council
The UNC Economic Transformation Council (ETC) serves as the coordinating body to facilitate collaboration on projects, share best practices, and align UNC System workforce and economic development efforts to support the University’s strategic goals and the state’s workforce and economic needs. The ETC also aims to build closer alignment in these focus areas with economic and workforce development professionals, business and industry, state government, and secondary and higher education partners across the state. Members of the ETC include designated representatives from the 17 constituent institutions and extension service units, as well as non-voting members from partner organizations.
Byron Hicks, NC State University
Kathie Sidner, UNC System Office
Educator Preparation Advisory Group
The Educator Preparation Advisory Group is comprised of education experts across P12 and higher education with the mission to support and accelerate improvement of teacher preparation in North Carolina. Together with the UNC System President and System Office staff, the Educator Preparation Advisory Group is charged with prioritizing and developing Systemwide strategies and initiatives to improve teacher preparation in North Carolina.
Graduate Council
Established in the 1930s and formalized in 1942, the Graduate Council plays a central role in the academic planning and establishment process by reviewing proposed master’s and doctoral degree programs. Members meet a minimum of three times annually to review requests to plan new doctoral degree programs and address graduate education matters. Voting members of the council include deans and directors representing each of the 16 UNC System universities.
Jennifer Gerz-Escandón, UNC System Office
UNC Assessment and Accreditation Council
The UNC Assessment and Accreditation Council (UNC AAC) is dedicated to improving institutional effectiveness through system-wide assessment and accreditation that will foster a culture of excellence at all UNC System institutions. The council includes members from each of the 17 System institutions and recognizes that stakeholders include students, faculty, staff, and administration.
Christine Robinson, Ed.D., UNC Charlotte | (704) 687-5385
Jodi Pettazzoni, Ph.D., UNC Greensboro | (336) 334-5535
UNC Faculty and Academic Development Consortium
The UNC Faculty and Academic Development Consortium (UNC-FADC) serves as a conduit for collaboration, common resources, and shared advocacy with the goal of enhancing faculty and educational development in higher education for the state of North Carolina and the UNC System. The UNC-FADC consists of volunteer representatives from each of the UNC System’s 17 institutions who serve as leaders and facilitators of faculty and/or educational development.
Bethany V. Smith, North Carolina State University
Vice Chair:
Dr. Sherrell Fuller, North Carolina A&T State University
UNC Online Leadership Collaboration
The UNC Online Leadership Collaboration (OLC) is a group made up of distance education and online learning leaders from all 17 UNC System institutions. The OLC offers mutual support, shares ideas and faculty development techniques, and provides continued education and advocacy for online learning offices in the UNC System.
Vice Chair:
Dr. Tonya Amankwatia, North Carolina A&T University
UNC System Quality Matters Council
The UNC System Quality Matters (QM) Council focuses on providing resources and efficient and affordable ways of conducting QM course reviews. Quality Matters is a faculty peer-led and nationally recognized program aimed at guiding institutions and faculty in implementing and sustaining high-quality online and hybrid courses.
Dr. Enoch Park, UNC Charlotte
Undergraduate Research Council
Established in 2015, the Undergraduate Research Council (URC) supports undergraduate student success through mentored undergraduate research, disciplinary scholarship, creative works, and related activities as a means of promoting student learning across the System. The chair of the URC serves a three-year term and members include directors of offices of undergraduate research at UNC System institutions and affiliated stakeholder organizations.
Rebecca Battista, Appalachian State University
University Council on International Programs
The University Council on International Programs (UCIP) is the primary body charged with overseeing, coordinating, and advocating for the UNC System’s global affairs divisions and their activities including international students’ affairs, institutional exchange programs, global partnerships, and study abroad programs among others. The council is composed of the senior international officers and their designees from each of the 17 constituent institutions. UNC System Office staff serve as ex-officio members.
Joël A. Gallegos, UNC Charlotte
University Library Advisory Council
The University Library Advisory Council (ULAC) is composed of the directors of the 17 UNC System institutions’ libraries and a representative from UNC System Office. The council meets monthly and operate multiple subcommittees, including open educational resources initiatives.
Chuck Thomas, Western Carolina University