CHAPEL HILL, NC – University of North Carolina System President Peter Hans issued a statement following the announcement that NC State University would be modifying operations for the fall semester:
“Over the spring and summer every institution prepared for the fall semester under the guidance of well-known public health officials. The planning reflected the fact that each university in the system is different — with diverse student populations, geographical locations, and varied social cultures. This hard work is being undermined by a very small number of students behaving irresponsibly off campus, which unfairly punishes the vast majority of their classmates who are following the rules.
Since my arrival on August 1, I’ve worked closely with each chancellor to support their efforts and to make adjustments based on local health conditions. We’ll continue to provide a high-quality mix of online and in-person educational options as the entire nation strives to manage its way through a lengthy global pandemic to a better and safer place for everyone.”