UNCSA announces a return to live performance with a 2021-22 season that spans time-honored classics and works by today’s visionary composers, choreographers, filmmakers and playwrights who represent an array of stories and voices from throughout our contemporary world. The wide-ranging season includes film, dance, drama and music created and performed by talented students and world-class faculty, distinguished alumni and celebrated guest artists.

Tickets to most live-audience productions are $20 regular and $15 students with valid ID, and are available online or by calling the box office at 336-721-1945. Selected events are priced individually as noted. UNCSA performance venues will be open at full capacity; however, with health and safety as the top priority and in compliance with the citywide indoor mask mandate now in effect in Winston-Salem, all performers and audience members are required to wear masks regardless of vaccination status.

In addition to in-person performances, UNCSA will livestream concerts by faculty-artists and guest artists in the School of Music through the new series Live from Watson Hall. Film screenings will also be offered online for a limited time.

“We are thrilled to welcome back our loyal audiences for in-person performances this coming season at UNCSA,” said Chancellor Brian Cole. “There is no replacement for the energy of live audiences and the community engagement that results from being together in a room experiencing transformative art.

“I am particularly proud that UNCSA will offer a season of compelling works from across our cultural landscape, created centuries ago and written today,” Cole added. “From Balanchine’s classical ‘Symphonie Concertante’ to Stew’s contemporary comedy-drama rock musical ‘Passing Strange,’ our season amplifies a wide range of artistic expression.”

Cole said student-artists will benefit from the diversity of work being performed. “We are training students to enter industries that are very different from a few years ago. By exposing them to the broadest spectrum of work in their fields, we are helping them develop their own unique creative voices that will propel them to lead the future of arts and entertainment,” he said.

“We also acknowledge that pandemic-accelerated change inspired us to find new ways of reaching broader audiences, providing access to the arts on a global scale. To that end, we are pleased to continue streaming select performances and film screenings this year, transcending our physical location to virtually showcase the excellent work of our students, faculty-artists and professional guest artists.”

Learn more about the scheduled performances.