A flyover by Elizabeth City State University chief flight instructor, James Young, kicked off the grand opening ceremony of the STEM Complex Monday, Aug. 12. As Young soared overhead, ECSU officials were joined by Elizabeth City government and community leaders celebrating the beginning of a new chapter for the state-of-the-art facility.

“Today, we celebrate the renaming of the former Pharmacy Complex to the STEM Complex to better support the realignment and placement of our academic programs,” ECSU Chancellor Karrie Dixon said. “ECSU is rising up. We are engaging students and inspiring success.”

The STEM Complex will house two new academic departments – the Department of Health and Human Studies that includes: Pharmaceutical Science, Social Work, Psychology and Kinesiology; and the Department of Aviation and Emergency Management that includes: ECSU’s signature Aviation Science Program, the new Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program, and Emergency Management.

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Originally published Aug. 13, 2019.