The UNC Policy Manual


Adopted 09/25/98


Delegation of Certain Contractual Authority at General Administration


               Subject to retention by the President of residual executive authority to sign agreements at General Administration of the University of North Carolina, the following delegations of authority are hereby established:


1.            Any agreement at General Administration, for itself and/or one or more institutions or agencies of the University of North Carolina, for participation in programs such as interagency educational programs, undertakings, and consortia, or for receipt and administration of grants or scholarships, where (1) the office of the President or General Administration is to execute the agreement and (2) execution is not expressly required of the President, shall be executed by the vice president, or one functioning at the vice presidential level, in whose sphere of professional responsibility the subject matter of the agreement has arisen.


2.            Any agreement at General Administration, for itself and/or one or more institutions or agencies of the University of North Carolina, for the procurement of personal or professional services (including services of a consultant nature) of an independent contractor, or for the procurement of supplies, materials, or rights of use in either tangible or intangible matter, shall be executed by the Vice President for Finance.


3.            A vice president, or other officer functioning at the vice presidential level, may subdelegate in writing his or her authority under this policy to such member(s) of the officer’s staff as the officer deems appropriate; provided, that a copy of any such subdelegation shall be filed with the President and with the Vice President for Legal Affairs.  Excepted from this policy is the subdelegation of authority to execute services contracts at General Administration of a consultant nature, which, under Administrative Memorandum Number 155 (dated June 30, 1981), may be executed only by an officer (or officers) named by the President.  With respect to consultant contracts at the University of North Carolina General Administration, such officer shall be the Vice President for Finance.


4.            All agreements to be signed under these delegations and their subdelegations are subject to such prior review and clearance as state law or regulation or University policy or practice may require.



[This is a rewrite of Administrative Memorandum #386.]