Policy Manual
The resolution of the Board of Governors adopted February 9, 1990,
instructs each chancellor to secure copies of the annual independent financial
audit of any privately chartered foundation, association or club that has been
established for the primary purpose of accumulating and dispersing resources to
support the programs of a constituent institution of the University of North
Carolina. The audit to be obtained and
disclosed need not include identification of persons or entities that have made
contributions to the private organization.
Each chancellor should inform the Vice President for Finance
whether an organization identified with the chancellor's institution is audited
on a calendar-year or fiscal-year basis (with date of fiscal year-end). Annually, the chancellor should supply a copy
of each such audit to the President, via the vice president. Simultaneously, the chancellor should supply
a copy of the audit to the chairman of the institution's Board of Trustees.
[This is a
rewrite of Administrative Memorandum #284.]