The UNC Policy Manual
Adopted 12/18/72
"Delegations of Duty and Authority to Boards of Trustees," adopted by
the Board of Governors and set forth in the Appendix to The Code, specified in Section VI that each Board of Trustees would
exercise authority (subject to any policies of the Board of Governors or any
requirements of State law) with respect to selection of architects, approval of
building sites, approval of plans and specifications and final acceptance of
completed capital construction projects.
The responsibility for execution of construction contracts was not
addressed in that delegation, however, and therefore that function is presently
a responsibility of the President, within the terms of the budget-execution
functions assigned by The Code. As of December 18, 1972, the President has
delegated to each chancellor the authority and responsibility for execution of
construction contracts, in conjunction with the performance by the Board of
Trustees of its enumerated responsibilities.
[This is a rewrite of
Administrative Memorandum #8.]