Policy Manual
Adopted 05/11/90
Amended 10/12/07
Board of Governors recognizes the importance of intercollegiate athletics to
the University’s constituent institutions. The Board emphasizes that a constituent
institution’s athletic program must be (1) consistent with and complementary to
the academic mission of the university, (2) fiscally sound such that the
athletic program does not take resources away from the academic program of the
institution and the institution does not undertake any financial obligation for
which it does not have funds available from appropriate sources to fulfill, and
(3) under the control of the chancellor of the constituent institution.
with the requirements set forth in the Delegations of Duty and Authority to the
Boards of Trustees contained in the Appendix to The Code, no contract of employment between an institution and a
head athletic coach or an athletic director which is for a term longer than one
year shall be valid unless and until all terms and conditions of the contracts
have been approved by the Board of Trustees.
A. Required Element
of Contracts.
determination of the terms and conditions of contracts for head coaches and
athletic directors lies in the discretion of the boards of trustees, the Board
of Governors seeks to assure the priority of academics in the athletic program,
the fiscal soundness of the program, and sufficient institutional control of
the program free from undue influence of outside sources. In all instances, contracts with head
coaches and athletic directors must have provisions that comply with the
following principles:
1. Academic
Values. Fostering educational values and
maintaining a program of integrity must be an integral part of the contracts of
all coaches and athletic directors. In particular, contracts
must address the constituent institution's policy on the recruitment and
retention of qualified student athletes and the necessity that athletes
progress toward a degree in a defined academic program. The coach and athletic
director must have a clear obligation to contribute to the academic progress of
team members under his or her supervision.
2. Compliance
with NCAA Rules. Each contract must
clearly acknowledge that the athletic program under the direction of the coach,
or the programs under the direction of the athletic director, must comply with
the policies of the constituent institution and of the NCAA and that the
failure of the program to so comply will, at the option of the institution, be
deemed a violation of the provisions of the coach's or athletic director’s
contract that is grounds for termination of the contract.
3. No Automatic
Extensions. "Roll-over" or
“evergreen” contracts, by which the term of the contract is automatically
renewed on an annual or other periodic basis, are contrary to sound personnel
policies. Any renewal of a contract must be advertent, based upon a deliberate
assessment of performance by the chancellor and board of trustees, and not
4. Outside Compensation.
Employment contracts must clearly define
the rights and obligations of a coach or athletic director who enters into
outside agreements for compensated services, while addressing the interests of
the constituent institution. Every
contract must require the coach or athletic director to have the approval of
the chancellor before entering into an agreement to earn athletically-related
income or benefits from sources outside the constituent institution and to
report all such income annually, through the athletic director, to the
chancellor. Coaches and athletic
directors must comply with the Board of Governors and constituent institution
policies on external activities for pay for any outside income that is not
athletically related.
5. Source
of Funding. Student athletic fees may be
used to pay a coach or athletic director’s base salary. State general funds and tuition may be used to
pay only the instructional portion of a coach’s base salary. Funds available for paying the salaries EPA
non-faculty personnel may be used to pay the base salary of an athletic
6. Contracts as Public Records. Every head coach and athletic director
contract must state that, upon execution, it is a public record subject to
disclosure under North Carolina’s Public Records Law.
B. Contract Terms
that Require Board of Governors’ Approval.
terms in head coach and athletic director contracts have become common in the
marketplace. While including these
terms in an employment contract may be necessary to obtain the services of the
candidate deemed to be the best qualified individual to serve the needs of the
constituent institution, those terms may create additional financial risk for
constituent institutions. In light of this risk, if a constituent institution proposes
to include any of the following terms in a coach or athletic director contract,
approval of the terms of the contract must be approved by the constituent
institution’s board of trustees, and before executing the contract, the
constituent institution must obtain approval of the terms of the contract by
the president, and if the president approves the terms, on the president’s
recommendation, by the Board of Governors:
1. Deferred Compensation. A provision to pay deferred compensation,
including, for example, a direct deferred payment or an annuity. In considering a contract including deferred
compensation, the constituent institution must provide the Board of Governors
with the following information:
a. The
source of the funds that the constituent institution will use to pay the
deferred compensation. Neither State
funds, tuition, nor student fees may be used for such deferred compensation.
b. Whether
the funding for deferred compensation will come from an outside entity. If so, the outside entity must provide the
funds to the constituent institution, not directly to the coach or athletic
c. If
an outside entity is to be the source of funds, whether the funds have already
been provided, whether the funds have been raised or pledged, or whether the
funds remain to be raised. If such funds
are not to be provided in advance, the constituent institution’s obligation to
pay the deferred compensation must be contingent on the constituent
institution’s receipt of the funds from the outside entity.
2. Buyout
Clauses. Any buyout clause which
obligates the constituent institution to pay more than the balance of the base
salary the coach or athletic director would have earned during the remainder of
the term of the contract had he or she remained employed plus any bonuses or
deferred compensation already earned or vested in accordance with the terms of
the contract. The amount of the payment
required by such a clause must bear a clearly discernible relationship to the
actual financial loss that would likely be incurred by the coach or athletic
director if the contract were terminated without cause during its term.
3. Damage Mitigation
Waiver. A
provision waiving a requirement that the coach or athletic director mitigate
his or her damages and set off actual earnings against the amount to be paid by
the constituent institution.
4. Loss of Outside Income. A provision which
obligates the constituent institution or any party
related to the constituent institution to replace the loss of any outside
compensation to the coach or athletic director.
C. Considerations
for Approval by the Board of Governors.
considering contract terms identified in Part B of this policy, the Board of
Governors will consider, among other relevant factors:
1. The
constituent institution’s ability to pay the compensation, benefits, or
possible buy-out amounts provided for in the agreement.
2. The sources of
funding the constituent institution will use in paying the compensation,
benefits and buy-out amounts provided for in the contract.
3. If payments are
to be made using funds from an outside entity, whether or not
the outside funds have already been raised or whether or not pledges of funding
have been committed.
4. Whether
the constituent institution’s commitment to pay the required buy-out amount on
termination is likely to have a significant financial impact on the athletic
department or the constituent institution.
chancellor is encouraged to consult with the president if the chancellor has
any question about or desires any clarification of this policy.
will forward to the president a copy of each contract entered
into with a head coach or athletic director promptly after the contract
is executed.
date: This policy applies to contracts entered into after its adoption. It also applies to contract terms which have
been substantively modified in contracts renewed, extended, or modified after
its adoption.