The UNC Policy Manual


Adopted 10/11/85

Replaced 05/09/03

Amended 01/25/24
Amended 02/29/24


Intercollegiate Athletics


1.              The Board of Governors has delegated the responsibility for intercollegiate athletics to the chancellors under The Code’s Delegation of Duty and Authority. That delegation is subject to the requirements and mandates in this policy.


2.         The chancellors shall ensure that all athletes admitted to the institution are capable of progressive academic success and graduation within six years.


3.         The chancellors shall ensure that the policies for admission of student athletes are reviewed by appropriate members or bodies of the faculty and that any advice or recommendations from those members or bodies are received and considered.


4.         The chancellors shall ensure that exceptions or waivers for the admission of student athletes are reviewed by appropriate members or bodies of the faculty and that any recommendation concerning these applicants are received and considered by the chancellors in a timely manner.


5.         The chancellors shall ensure that student athletes follow a coherent course of study that is designed to accomplish reasonable progress toward a degree.


6.         The chancellors shall ensure that the tutorial and remedial programs for student athletes are administered by appropriate academic offices in cooperation with athletic department officials.


7.         The chancellors shall ensure that athletes who are not making satisfactory academic progress are not allowed to continue as team players.


8.         The chancellors shall ensure that a mandatory drug-testing program for student athletes is implemented and monitored.


9.         The chancellors shall ensure that formal awareness programs on the dangers of gambling in athletics are implemented.


10.       The chancellors shall ensure that the institutions conform with NCAA standards.


11.       The chancellors shall ensure that all foundations, clubs, and associations established primarily to raise money on behalf of a constituent institution are audited annually and that those audits are reviewed by the institutional Boards of Trustees and are forwarded to the President.


12.       The chancellors shall ensure that the position of director of athletics is separate and distinct from the position of a coach of any sport.


13.       If an institution receives funds from the State from any source that are specifically appropriated for its athletics department operations, the chancellor shall submit to the president a proposed athletics department operating budget and a five-year budget projection that demonstrates how these funds will be used toward achieving the following objectives:

            a.         Providing an economic benefit to the institution and its service region;


            b.         Remediating any athletics department operating deficits;


c.          Decreasing the reliance on non-athletics-specific institutional trust fund revenues to cover athletics department expenditures; and


            d.         Mitigating against future significant increases in student fees.


14.       The chancellors shall submit an annual report to the Board of Trustees of the constituent institutions with a copy to the President, who will report to the Board of Governors. The annual report shall be designed according to criteria and format defined by the Office of the President and shall include the following elements:

a.         organization and philosophy of athletics programs;

b.         the admission policy for student athletes including the definitions utilized for exceptions to campus-based criteria;

c.          student-athlete exceptions to the minimum course requirements set by the Board of Governors and defined in Policy 700.1.1 and Regulation 700.1.1.1[R];

d.         the student-athlete profiles for admitted student athletes including SAT/ACT scores, if applicable, high school grade point averages and NCAA classifications;


e.         information about the majors or programs of study chosen by student athletes;

f.          academic progression information for student athletes and six-year graduation rates;

g.         information about “booster” club organizations and procedures;


h.         athletics financial data as reported to the NCAA; and


i.          information on athletically related agreements accessible to the constituent institution. For example: grant of rights agreements, multimedia rights agreements, NCAA and conference membership agreements, licensing agreements, and name image and likeness contracts or affiliation agreements. Information to be reported shall be defined by the president and may be limited to those agreements accessible to the constituent institution, subject to applicable law.


15.       The chancellors shall report to the Board of Trustees the student-athlete exceptions to the institution’s undergraduate admissions criteria.


16.       The chancellors shall ensure that the annual report is forwarded to appropriate members or bodies of the faculty and that any response from such members or bodies is received and considered by the chancellors.


17.       a.         The chancellors shall provide the president advance notice prior to executing any agreement which would result in the constituent institution’s transfer, removal, or joining of an athletic conference association. The notice to the president shall include for the president’s approval or disapproval a financial plan related to the proposed action. If the president approves the financial plan, the president shall provide the notice and the financial plan to the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors may, but is not required to, bring the financial plan before the board for an up-or-down vote. The matter may be calendared by the Chair or via a prevailing motion made by any member of the board. Such a motion must be made and seconded, if at all, not later than the next regularly-scheduled meeting of the Board of Governors following the president’s provision of the notice and the financial plan to the board.


            b.         If the Board of Governors votes down the financial plan, the chancellor may not proceed with the proposed action unless the chancellor presents a new financial plan for the president’s approval or disapproval, and the Board of Governors’ consideration described in Section 17(a) above.  Any Board of Governors review may be conducted in Closed Session pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 143-314.11(a)(3) to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body.



[This policy consolidates policies 1100.1 and 1100.2]