UNC Policy Manual
A. General Provisions.
(1) Each
constituent institution shall have a board of trustees composed of 13 persons[1]
as follows: (a) eight elected by the
Board of Governors; (b) four appointed by the General Assembly, two of whom
shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the
Senate, and two of whom shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the
Speaker of the House of Representatives; and (c) the president of the student
government of the institution, ex-officio.
[See G.S. 116-31(d)]
(2) In every odd-numbered year, the Board
of Governors shall elect four persons to each board of trustees; and the
General Assembly shall appoint one person upon the recommendation of the
President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and one person upon the recommendation of
the Speaker of the House of Representatives to each such board; and the term of
office of all such elected or appointed trustees (excluding ex-officio
trustees) shall be four years, commencing on July 1, of such odd-numbered
year. [See G.S. 116-31(e)]
(3) Whenever
any vacancy shall occur in the membership of a board of trustees among those
seats to be appointed by the General
Assembly, it shall be the duty of the secretary of the board of trustees to
inform the General Assembly of the existence of such vacancy, and the vacancy
shall be filled as provided in G.S. 120-122, and whenever any vacancy shall
occur among those elected by the Board of Governors, it shall be the duty of
the secretary of the board of trustees to inform the Board of Governors of the
existence of the vacancy, and the Board of Governors shall elect a person to
fill the unexpired term. Whenever a
member shall fail, for any reason other than ill health or service in the
interest of the state or nation, to be present for three successive regular
meetings of a board of trustees, the individual’s place as a member shall be
deemed vacant. [See G.S. 116-31(j)]
(4) Any person who has served two full
four-year terms in succession as a member of a board of trustees shall, for a
period of one year, be ineligible for election or appointment to the same board
but may be elected or appointed to the board of another institution. [See G.S. 116-31(g)]
(5) No member
of the General Assembly or officer or employee of the State, The University of
North Carolina, or of any constituent institution shall be eligible for
election or appointment as a trustee. No
spouse of a member of the General Assembly, or of an officer or employee of a
consistent institution may be a trustee of that constituent institution. Any trustee who is elected or appointed to
the General Assembly or who becomes an officer or employee of the State, The
University of North Carolina, or any constituent institution or whose spouse is
elected or appointed to the General Assembly or becomes an officer or employee
of that constituent institution shall be deemed thereupon to resign from his
membership on the board of trustees.
[See G.S. 116-31(h)]
B. Dual Membership Prohibited.
person may serve simultaneously as a member of a board of trustees and as a
member of the Board of Governors. Any
trustee who is elected to the Board of Governors shall be deemed to have
resigned as a trustee effective as of the date that the individual’s term
commences as a member of the Board of Governors. [See G.S. 116-31(i)]
401 B. Assistant Secretary.
board of trustees may also elect an assistant secretary, from among the members
of the chancellor's staff. Copies of all minutes, papers, and documents of a
board of trustees may be certified by its assistant secretary with the same
force and effect as though such certification were made by the secretary of
such board.
402 A. Frequency.
board of trustees shall hold not fewer than three regular meetings a year and
may hold such additional meetings as may be deemed desirable. [See G.S. 116-32]
402 B. Rules of Procedure.
board of trustees shall determine its own rules of procedure and may delegate
to such committees as it may create such of its powers as it deems
appropriate. The board of trustees may
convene in closed session, consistent with state law and policy.
402 C. Keeping Board of Governors Informed.
secretary of each board of trustees shall keep the Board of Governors, through
the secretary of the University, fully and promptly informed concerning
activities of the board of trustees, including notice of any changes in the
membership of the board or in its committee structure or bylaws, and notices of
402 D. Notice of Committee Meetings
board of trustees shall provide timely notice of each of its meetings and
committee meetings to every member of that board of trustees.
403 A. General Powers and Duties.
board of trustees shall promote the sound development of its institution within
the functions prescribed for it, helping it to serve the people of the state in
a way that will complement the activities of the other institutions and aiding
it to perform at a high level of excellence in every area of endeavor. Each board of trustees shall serve as advisor
to the Board of Governors on matters pertaining to its institution and shall
also serve as advisor to the chancellor concerning the management and
development of the institution. [See
G.S. 116-33]
403 B. Other Powers and Duties.
board of trustees shall have such other powers and duties, not inconsistent
with other provisions of this Code or with applicable provisions of
state law, as shall be defined and delegated by the Board of Governors. [See G.S. 116-33 and G.S. 116-11(13) and
trustees in the case of the University of North Carolina School of the
Arts. [See G.S. 116-65] Twenty-seven trustees in the case of the
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. [See G.S. 116-233 et seq.]