The UNC Policy Manual
Adopted 11/21/73 Amended 07/01/07 Repealed 12/13/19
The State Residence Committee suggests that all institutions1 include in their catalogs the following two points about residence classification:
"To qualify for in-state tuition a legal resident must have maintained his or her domicile in North Carolina for at least the 12 months immediately prior to his or her classification as a resident for tuition purposes. In order to be eligible for such classification, the individual must establish that his or her presence in the state during such twelve-month period was for purposes of maintaining a bona fide domicile rather than for purposes of mere temporary residence incident to enrollment in an institution of higher education; further, (1) if the parents (or court- appointed legal guardian) of the individual seeking resident classification are (is) bona fide domiciliaries of this state, this fact shall be prima facie evidence of domiciliary status on the individual applicant and (2) if such parents or guardian are not bona fide domiciliaries of this state, this fact shall be prima facie evidence of non-domiciliary status of the individual."
"University regulations concerning the classification of students by residence, for purposes of applicable tuition differentials, are set forth in detail in A Manual to Assist the Public Higher Education Institutions of North Carolina in the Matter of Student Residence Classification for Tuition Purposes. Each enrolled student is responsible for knowing the contents of that Manual, which is the controlling administrative statement of policy on this subject. Copies of the Manual are available on request at [here insert reference to those offices on campus where copies of the Manual will be maintained on file for purposes of student inspection]. "
[This is a rewrite of Administrative Memorandum #25.]
1The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics should publish comparable statements relative to its admissions and enrollment policies. See G.S. 116-235.
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