Policy Manual
I. Research Defined. Research means a systematic investigation,
including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or
contribute to generalizable knowledge.
For the purposes of this Policy, Research includes all basic, applied,
and demonstration research in all academic and scholarly fields. Research fields include, but are not limited
to, the arts, the sciences, liberal arts, applied sciences, social sciences,
the professions, and research involving human subjects or animals.
II. Research Misconduct Defined. Research
misconduct is defined as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in
proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting the results.
a. Fabrication is
making up data or results and recording or reporting them.
b. Falsification
is manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or
omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented
in the research record. The research
record is the record of data or results that embody the facts resulting from the
research inquiry and includes, but is not limited to research proposals,
laboratory records, both physical and electronic, progress reports, abstracts,
these, oral presentations, internal reports, books, dissertations, and journal
c. Plagiarism
is the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words
without giving appropriate credit.
d. Research
misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion.
III. Findings
of Research Misconduct. A finding of research misconduct requires that:
a. There
is a significant departure from accepted practices of the relevant research
community; and
b. The misconduct is
committed intentionally, or knowingly, or recklessly; and
c. The allegation is
proven by a preponderance of evidence.
IV. Fair and Timely Procedures. The
constituent institutions and affiliated entities of The University of North
Carolina shall develop fair and timely procedures for responding to allegations
of research misconduct, designed to provide safeguards for subjects of
allegations as well as for informants. Fair and timely procedures include
the following:
a. Safeguards
for Informants. Safeguards for
informants give individuals the confidence that they can bring allegations of
research misconduct made in good faith or serve as informants to an inquiry or
an investigation without suffering retribution. Safeguards include protection against retaliation
for informants who make good faith allegations, fair and objective procedures
for the examination and resolution of allegations of research misconduct, and
diligence in protecting the positions and reputations of those persons who make
allegations of research misconduct in good faith.
b. Safeguards
for Subjects of Allegations. Safeguards
for subjects give individuals the confidence that their rights are protected
and that the mere filing of an allegation of research misconduct against them
will not bring their research to a halt or be the basis for other disciplinary
or adverse action absent other compelling reasons. Other safeguards
include timely written notification of subjects regarding substantive
allegations made against them; a description of all such allegations;
reasonable access to the data and other evidence supporting the allegations;
and the opportunity to respond to allegations, the supporting evidence, and the
proposed findings of research misconduct, if any.
c. Objectivity
and Expertise. The selection of
individuals to review allegations and conduct investigations who have
appropriate expertise and have no unresolved conflicts of interests help to
ensure fairness throughout all phases of the process.
d. Timeliness.
Reasonable time limits for the conduct
of the inquiry, investigation, adjudication, and appeal phases (if any), with
allowances for extensions where appropriate, provide confidence that the process
will be well managed.
e. Confidentiality
During the Inquiry, Investigation, and Decision-Making Processes. To the extent possible consistent with a fair
and thorough investigation and as allowed by law, knowledge about the identity
of the subjects, informants, and research subjects is limited to those who need
to know.
f. Preservation
and Retention of the Research Record. The
research record, including all documents, data, and materials relating to an
allegation and investigation of research misconduct will become institutional
records and will be preserved and maintained by the institutional
V. Administrative and Disciplinary
a. Seriousness
of the Misconduct. In deciding what
administrative or disciplinary actions are appropriate, the institution or
entity should consider the seriousness of the misconduct, including, but not
limited to, the degree to which the misconduct was knowing, intentional, or
reckless; was an isolated event or part of a pattern; or had significant impact
on the research record, research subjects, other researchers, institutions, or
the public welfare.
b. Possible
Administrative and Disciplinary Actions.
Administrative and disciplinary actions available include, but are not
limited to, appropriate steps to correct the research record; letters of
reprimand; the imposition of special certification or assurance requirements to
ensure compliance with applicable regulations or terms of an award; suspension
or termination of an active award; written warning; demotion; suspension; salary
reduction; dismissal; or other serious discipline according to the appropriate
policies applicable to students, faculty or staff. With respect to
administrative actions or discipline imposed upon employees, the institution or
entity must comply with all relevant personnel policies and laws. With respect to administrative actions or
discipline imposed upon students, the institution or entity must comply with
all relevant student policies and codes.
c. Criminal
or Civil Fraud Violations. If the institution
or entity believes that criminal or civil fraud violations may have occurred,
the institution or entity shall promptly refer the matter to the appropriate
investigative body.
VI. Relationship to Other Policies. The Research
Misconduct Policy is meant to complement, not replace, other policies that may
apply to conduct occurring during the research process, such as:
a. University
of North Carolina or State of North Carolina Policies. University or State personnel policies and
procedures, policies relating to financial misconduct, polices relating to
human or animal subject research, student codes of conduct, or other applicable
b. Federal
Policies and Procedures. Research which
is required to comply with separate federal and institutional policies which conform
to policies and rules implemented in response to the Office of Science and
Technology Policy’s Federal Policy on Research Misconduct; for example, The
Health and Human Services Policies codified at 42 CFR Part 93.
c. Questionable
Research Practices Policies. Nothing in
this Policy is meant to prohibit the adoption of policies and procedures
addressing questionable research practices, which do not rise to the level of
research misconduct, as defined in this Policy, but which violate the
traditional values of research, and are detrimental to the research process.