The UNC Policy Manual
Adopted 03/18/96
March 15, 1996, the Board of Governors adopted a policy concerning “Improper
Relationships Between Students and Employees” for immediate implementation by
all constituent institutions. The new
policy governing relationships between University students and employees
identifies and defines a type of misconduct that can result in sanctions, including
discharge from employment, against any employee who violates its
provisions. The chancellors are
responsible for insuring that both employees and students are effectively
informed, on a continuing basis, about the type of misconduct prohibited by this
policy; and they must insure that appropriate policies and procedures for
receiving, investigating and resolving charges of misconduct are in place.
The revised
anti-nepotism policy, separately approved by the Board of Governors, also must
be effectively publicized by the chancellors, so that all affected employees
will be aware of the broadened definition of “related persons” to whom its
restrictions apply.
is a rewrite of Administrative Memorandum #360.]