The UNC Policy Manual


Adopted 08/05/77


Guideline on Reporting Misuse of State Property by State Employees


               North Carolina General Statute § 114-15.1 creates an obligation on State employees who are informed of or have evidence of misuse of State property by a State employee to report that information within three (3) days to the reporting employee's immediate supervisor.  The statute further specifies that the information must then be reported to the immediate supervisor's institutional head, and, in turn, within ten (10) days, to the director of the State Bureau of Investigation.  Misuse includes such offenses as arson, attempted arson, damage of, theft from, or theft of, or embezzlement from, or embezzlement or otherwise misuse of any State-owned personal or real property.


               Each chancellor is appointed to function as institutional head as contemplated under N.C.G.S. § 114-15.1.


               The President's office will administer N.C.G.S. § 114-15.1 with respect to General Administration.


               Attached is a form for submitting written reports to the SBI.  The SBI also requests, that in addition to the written report, immediate telephone notification be made to SBI headquarters (919-733-4311) as soon as such information is available.  A copy of any report made by local law enforcement authorities relating to the offense should be forwarded to the SBI.



[This is a rewrite of Administrative Memorandum #84.]