The UNC Policy Manual
The 1989
Session of the North Carolina General Assembly enacted legislation requiring
applicants for state jobs and certain benefits to prove that they are in
compliance with the registration requirements of 50 United States Code Appx.
Section 453 (Military Selective Service Act).
The statute also obligates all state employers to adopt rules and
regulations for enforcing this requirement. Pursuant to that mandate, the
following regulations are hereby adopted.
1. Each application form to be used for
university employment shall contain a set of questions which is consistent with
the model provided at Appendix A.
2. If an application does not answer
affirmatively either of the questions specified in Appendix A, he or she shall
be notified that a proposed finding of ineligibility for the position will be
finalized, unless, within 30 days, he or she provides information which
establishes that he or she is in fact in compliance with the registration
requirements of the Military Selective Service Act.
3. The applicant may present
documentary or oral evidence to prove that he or she is in fact registered or
to show that compliance is not required.
University officials in charge of employment may allow the applicant an
opportunity for a hearing to challenge the proposed finding of ineligibility.
4. To prove eligibility an applicant
may show one of the following bases:
a. that he is registered with the Selective
b. that he is not required to be
registered with the Selective Service; or
c. that
the requirement to register has terminated or become inapplicable and that the
failure to register was not a knowing and willful failure to register.
5. In determining whether the applicant
has established eligibility under these rules, the level of proof required
shall be a preponderance of the evidence.
of Selective Service Registration Compliance
(Check A or B)
A. _____ I certify
that I am not required to be registered with the Selective Service because
(check one):
____ I am a female.
____ I am in the armed services on active
duty. (Note: Members of the Reserves and
National Guard are not considered on active duty.)
____ I am under the age of eighteen years.
____ I was born before 1960.
____ I
am a permanent resident of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands or the
Northern Mariana Islands.
B. _____ I certify
that I am registered with the Selective Service.
Name (Print) _________________________________________
Signature _______________________________________ Date ____________________