
               Adopted 07/18/72

Repealed 11/14/17


Regulations on Approval of Academic Personnel Actions


The Board of Governors' "Delegations of Duty and Authority to Boards of Trustees" (the Appendix to The Code) in Article I treats the subject of academic and administrative personnel actions, and distinguishes between those personnel matters which are to be reviewed by the president and approved by the Board of Governors and those which will require no action beyond that taken by the chancellor and the Board of Trustees.


The following instructions and suggestions are given to expedite the processing and approval of these personnel matters:


1.            Personnel Actions to be Approved by the Board of Governors

a.            Proposed personnel actions conferring permanent tenure on a member of the faculty in accordance with Section 602 of The Code (whether through initial appointment, through reappointment, or through promotion) and proposed senior administrative appointments (including persons appointed or promoted to the rank of vice chancellor, provost, and dean; reference to “directors of major educational and public service activities” includes those persons whose duties are equivalent to those of a dean or a higher administrative officer).

1.            All such proposals shall be sent to the president's office at least two weeks in advance of the meeting of the Board of Governors at which it is anticipated that the proposal would be considered.

2.            All such proposals submitted shall include the information listed below:

a.            Name, age, and present position

b.            Proposed rank

c.            Proposed salary and present salary (present salary need not be given if it is a new appointment from outside the University

d.            Source of funds (State, non-State, or both)

e.            Effective date of proposed action

f.            Service obligation (12 months or 9 months)

g.            New position or replacement

h.            University official(s) by whom the person was interviewed if it is a new appointment

i.             Degrees held and where they were earned, with dates               

j.             Teaching and other prior professional experience

k.            Scholarly and professional organizational memberships

l.             Publications

m.          Awards and honors


2.            Personnel Actions Delegated to the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees.

The delegation in the appendix provides that all faculty and administrative personnel decisions, other than those which require the concurrence of the President and the approval of the Board of Governors, shall be made by the chancellor and the Board of Trustees.


Each chancellor may wish to consider a request to the Board of Trustees for authorization for the chancellor to take certain measures which would serve to expedite this category of personnel actions without further reference to the Board of Trustees if the volume of these actions should be substantial or if it should seem desirable for other reasons:

a.                With respect to academic personnel actions (including appointment, promotion, and changes in compensation), the President recommends that a distinction be made between persons appointed for a term of service longer than one year and those whose term is one year or less, and also between those persons who hold full-time appointments and those who are part-time.  Under these distinctions, the chancellor might be authorized by the Board of Trustees to take final action on appointments which are for one year or less and on those which are for part-time service.

b.                With respect to faculty appointments for longer than one year, but not conferring permanent tenure, you may wish to consider the desirability of suggesting the establishment of a trustee committee to act on behalf of the full board.  

c.                With respect to administrative appointments other than those requiring action by the Board of Governors (e.g., department chairmen), similar delegation of authority either to the chancellor or to a committee of the trustees, or both, may be appropriate.   

d.                Finally, with respect to changes in compensation for faculty and administrative personnel enumerated in 2.b. and c., the President recommends that authority to take action be delegated to the chancellor within any guidelines that may be established by the Board of Trustees.

[This is a rewrite of Administrative Memorandum #2.]