
Adopted 02/01/01

Replaced 02/07/03

Replaced 6/17/05

Repealed 03/31/19


Regulations on Long-Range Planning, 2006-2011

I.            Introduction

The Board of Governors adopted Long-Range Plan 2004-2009 in January 2004.  That plan updated the 2002-2007 plan that was adopted in January 2002.  As we begin the planning process for the next five years, campuses are asked to develop a plan that is responsive to changes in higher education, in the needs and demographics of the State of North Carolina, and in emerging technologies, scientific and social advancements, and teacher education and health needs.

The long-range plan of the University must demonstrate the integration of budget, facilities, enrollment, and academic mission.  In so doing, campuses must consider the impact of increased enrollment on their institutions and the potential of distance education to serve the needs of the students of North Carolina. 

Three related activities will need to be integrated into the process this year: the study of educational needs, both programs and facilities, for economic development in North Carolina mandated by HB 1264, the Peer Study, and establishing benchmarks for the Strategic Directions.  HB 1264, Staying a Step Ahead: Higher Education Transforming NC Economy, has resulted in UNC and the Community College System contracting with the Pappas Consulting Group to do “a study to identify new and expanded academic programs, facilities and infrastructure needed to prepare citizens for jobs in North Carolina’s transforming economy.”  A preliminary report is due in April 2005 and the final report is due in December 2005.  Campus planning processes should attempt to integrate results and recommendations from this initiative.  Depending on the progress and recommendations of the consultants, supplemental activities may be necessary later in the year.

The Peer Study will be an opportunity for campuses to review their designated peer institutions.  Dennis Jones, President of NCHEMS, will lead the review of peer institutions, and he plans to complete the process by the end of April.  This study should be integrated with the overall planning process on the campus.  Preliminary work has been done toward developing benchmarks for the Strategic Directions and the process will be completed in concert with the planning process for Long-Range Plan 2009-2011.  The goal is to establish agreed-upon campus and university-wide benchmarks to measure progress in achieving the Strategic Directions.  More information will be forthcoming regarding this project.

II.          Long-Range Plan 2006-2011

The next edition of the long-range plan will cover five years, 2006-07 through 2010-2011.  The planning process will emphasize comprehensive planning, the links between enrollment planning, academic program planning and facilities planning, expansion budget requests, capital improvement requests, and the policies adopted by the Board of Governors to guide the future of UNC.   The preparation of the planning document will be a collaborative process, involving the constituent institutions, the President and her staff, and the Board of Governors.

Each institution, under the direction of the chancellor and with appropriate consultation with administrators, faculty, and the campus Board of Trustees will submit to the President any proposed revisions to its current mission statement, organization, academic program offering, or enrollment plans.  The proposed changes should reflect the institution’s long-range or strategic plan as well as its facilities plans and should be informed by any special studies undertaken by the Board or the campus leading up to this process (e.g., MCRs, enrollment planning, tuition policy, student need-based financial aid, facilities studies, salary studies, foreign language study, non-tenure track faculty study, student and alumni surveys, etc.).

Each institution is to append a copy of its current long-range/strategic plan to its long-range planning submission.  (See Appendix A for a discussion of strategic planning.)

The President and her staff will also engage in University-wide planning as they identify statewide needs and legislative concerns and review institutional proposals. 

A comprehensive planning document, reflecting the recommendations of the president, will be prepared by this office for consideration by the Committee on Educational Planning, Policies and Programs (CEPPP) of the Board of Governors.  Over a period of several months, the committee will review these recommendations and discuss issues of significance in higher education as it considers revisions of the strategic directions adopted in Long-Range Plan, 2004-2009.  After conducting a workshop to inform the Board and other interested stakeholders of the proposed revision, the committee will recommend to the Board the adoption of the Long-Range Plan, 2006-2011.  The president, her staff, and the Board of Governors will collaborate with the other education sectors and partners through such vehicles as the Education Cabinet, the Transfer Advisory Committee, the consultants for the HB 1264 study, the consultant for the Peer Study, and business and industry groups such as the Biotechnology Consortium during the planning process.

The planning schedule has been designed to facilitate articulation between the University’s plan for 2006-2011, its ten-year enrollment plan, its ten-year capital plan, and its expansion budget request for the 2007-09 biennium.

The following outline provides guidance for institutional submissions due May 31, 2005.

A.           Institutional Mission

Institutions may submit requests for minor changes in language that will improve or clarify their mission statements as they appear in Long-Range Plan 2004-2009. 

Institutional missions must reflect the reality of the existing programs and resources and must not be aspirational missions.  During the coming months the Committee on Educational Planning, Policies and Programs will be continuing its review of the use of Carnegie Classifications with special attention to the revised classification system expected from Carnegie in the summer of 2005.

The Peer Study, headed by Dennis Jones, will take place during February, March, and April and should be integrated into the review of missions.

NOTE:  If you are submitting a request for changes in the mission statement, please submit the current statement clearly marked to show the changes requested.

B.           Response to 2004-2009 Board of Governors’ Strategic Directions

The current Long-Range Plan, 2004-2009 lists six strategic directions for the University of North Carolina.  In response to this section, please provide a brief summary of the highlights of your campus’s response to each of the strategic directions. These will be summarized in Appendix B of the new plan.  Refer to Chapter V (http://www.northcarolina.edu/pres/publications/publications.cfm) of the document for the specifics related to each strategic direction.

1.            Access:  Ensure affordability and access to higher education for all who qualify and embrace a vision of lifelong learning.

2.           Intellectual Capital Formation:  Through high quality and relevant graduate, professional, and undergraduate programs, develop an educated citizenry that will enable North Carolina to flourish.

3.            K-16 Education:  Continue to propose and support initiatives to serve the needs of the State’s public schools.

4.           Creation, Transfer, and Application of Knowledge:  Expand the frontiers of knowledge through scholarship and research and stimulate economic development in North Carolina through basic and applied research, technology transfer, and outreach and engagement.

5.            Internationalization: Promote an international perspective throughout the University community to prepare citizens to become leaders in a multi-ethnic and global society.

6.           Transformation and Change:  Use the power of information technology guided by IT strategy and more effective education, administrative, and business practices to enable the University to respond to the competitive global environment of the 21st Century.

C.           Academic Program Development

During 2000, the academic planning process was revised to provide for more timely requests for planning and implementation.  The requirements for academic program planning for this document ask only that institutions confirm what has already been submitted and provide institutional plans for future program development consistent with the new process and deadlines.

1.            Academic Program Review

In 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2003 the Board of Governors conducted a thorough review of all degree programs to identify those of low productivity or low priority or those that were “unnecessarily redundant.”   Enclosure #1 outlines that process for 2005 and requests the campus response.

2.           Requests for Authorization to Discontinue a Program

Requests to discontinue degree programs, whether identified as a result of the biennial academic program review process or through other institutional procedures, should include a schedule for the proposed discontinuations.  (Use Enclosure #2.)

3.            Status Report on Recently Established Programs

Institutions with programs authorized by the Board for establishment during the last four years should provide a status report on the progress being made in implementing each program.  Enclosure #3 shows the inventory of programs that have been established at your institution during the last one–two years or three–four years. Use Form #3A or Form #3B to report on the status of these programs.

4.           Planning New Degree Programs

The new planning process (Policy Manual 400.1.1) asks that institutions inform the Division of Academic Affairs of the intent to plan new undergraduate or master’s programs.  Requests to plan new doctoral or first professional programs must be submitted by May 1 or October 1 of each year.   Proposals to plan or establish specific new degree programs should be submitted separately from your response to this document.   

For this section of the document, provide a brief narrative that describes the academic planning process and the expectations for program development directions over the next five years.  Institutions should take this planning opportunity to describe alternative means of meeting new program needs, such as on-line programs, year-around programs, or other distance delivery mechanisms.  Where relevant, response to recommendation from the consultants for HB 1264 would be appropriate.

D.           Enrollment Goals

The University has worked with the campuses to develop previous ten-year enrollment plans and enrollment targets.  Institutions should review the current expectations for the campus and, after consultation with the Office of the President (Academic Planning), submit recommended targets for the period 2005-2015.  Enclosure #4(A,B,C) includes institutional enrollment targets adopted by the Board of Governors in the enrollment plan for 2002-2012, a more detailed year-by-year plan through 2012, and the revised targets for fall 2005.  The object of this review will be to update this plan for 2005-15, with targets that include both on-campus and off-campus enrollment and with additional attention to freshmen and distance learning enrollment.  Further instructions and forms for providing this information will be forthcoming from Academic Planning.  Academic Planning and Strategic Development and Analysis will provide enrollment projection information based on projection models to support campus planning.  Proposed enrollment targets should be submitted to Academic Planning by May 31, 2005.

E.           Reports on Institutes and Centers

Inter-institutional (Board of Governor’s Approved) Centers

As specified in the UNC Policy Manual 400.5[R], each update of the UNC Long-Range Plan shall include a list of all centers and institutes (hereafter, “centers”) of the University of North Carolina and its constituent institutions. Those inter-institutional centers authorized by the Board of Governors must submit status reports directly to the UNC Office of the President by May 31, 2005 using the online reporting system, available by password at the UNC Centers and Institutes website:


Login instructions and specific procedures will be distributed to Center Directors and Chief Academic Officers via email by March 1. The Chief Academic Officers or their designees will have the opportunity to review and approve the inter-institutional center reports for which their institution serves as the administrative unit. Centers experiencing chronic problems in productivity and/or funding should be carefully evaluated by the institution and discontinuation requested as a part of the reporting process.

Additionally, for each inter-institutional center approved for planning by the Board of Governors, the appropriate CAO must provide a brief statement indicating either:  1) the planning request is withdrawn, or 2) reconfirmation is requested, with the estimated date for submission of the request for authorization to establish.

Institutional (Single campus) Centers

Each institution must submit an inventory of active institutional centers (those administered on a single campus), including their primary designation (research, public service, instructional) and a link to their corresponding website, to the UNC Office of the President by May 31, 2005. Instructions for submitting these listings electronically will be communicated to Chief Academic Officers via email by March 15.

F.           New Faculty Positions

As enrollment increases at UNC institutions, and new faculty positions are distributed based on these overall enrollment increases, it will become increasingly important that there be a match between new positions and areas of growth.  Enclosure #5 indicates the number of new positions awarded to each institution during the previous biennium.  Institutions must indicate the use of these positions and are invited to present documentation about the overall enrollment pressures and hiring difficulties in growth areas.

G.           Institutional Response to the Minority Presence Plan Revisions

At the January 2001 meeting, the Committee on Educational Planning, Policies, and Programs affirmed the need to update the Minority Presence Plan with a new set of institutional activities and responses, and at the February 2001 meeting, the Board of Governors approved the plan to more fully integrate diversity initiatives into all aspects of institutional planning.  In this section, the institution should provide information about how it intends to meet the expectations for diversity in response to the Board of Governors’ directive.  We would welcome quantitative data that you could provide to support the results of your initiatives. (Enclosure #6)

H.          Organizational Charts

Each institution’s organizational chart, as it appears in Long-Range Plan 2004-2009, is attached (Enclosure #7).  Each institution should note any organizational changes (as of May 1, 2005) in red ink on this copy and return the corrected copy with its other long-range planning submissions.  Do not submit a new chart unless it is accompanied by the current chart showing the changes in red ink.  The Board of Governors must approve any proposals for major reorganization of the administrative structure of the institutions (e.g., establishment of new colleges or professional schools, mergers, name changes, new vice chancellor positions).

III.         Schedule

Planning documents should be submitted to the Office of the President (Academic Planning) by May 31, 2005.  Five (5) copies are requested for review.  Insert the abbreviated name of the institution at the top of each page and use a loose-leaf binder for easy insertion or removal of pages.   Include your current institutional long-range/strategic plan as Appendix A to your submission.

Discussions will be held with the chancellors, chief academic officers or designated institutional representatives to clarify proposals or to obtain additional information.

Following the review and evaluation of institutional materials, a draft plan for the University of North Carolina 2006-2011 will be submitted to the Committee on Educational Planning, Policies, and Programs of the Board of Governors.  The Committee is scheduled to make its report and recommendations to the Board of Governors by January 2006.  This will enable the Board to link its long-range plan and strategic directions to its instructions and priorities for the expansion budget and capital improvement requests for the 2007-09 biennium.